Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You Betcha Nebraska - Deb Fischer is the Winner

Sarah Palin speaking at a rally in Elon, NC du...
Sarah Palin speaking at a rally in Elon, NC during the 2008 Presidential Campaign. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Brown Bear
Palin Effect: Fischer Wins Nebraska Primary

Grizzly attacks on humans are rare, usually devastating and sadly, often critical. Most bear attacks are provoked when a sow grizzly senses a threat to her cubs. A Mama Grizzly attack on a political race is much less violent, often equally critical, and always more fun to watch.

Such an attack occurred several weeks ago in Nebraska. The results stunned the old guard Republicans last night. Deb Fischer won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate against two well-respected and successful state officials. Did you hear the roars?

Deb Fischer won because the real Mama Grizzly, Sarah Palin, endorsed and supported her in the Republican primary. It was late in the race when Palin jumped in to enthusiastically back this very dark horse. It only took two weeks. Amazing. Very few people of influence would put their reputations on the line and take this level of risk to support a relatively unknown candidate running in third place late in a race. But Sarah did. With Mama Grizzly determination. Animal instinct.

The Republican establishment backed her opponents Attorney General Jon Bruning and State Treasurer Don Stenberg, the Tea  Party Candidate. Both are good men, solid conservatives with excellent reputations. They just didn't have the "it" factor to excite the electorate. It takes vision to recognize weakness as well as strength in candidates. Sarah has that vision.

In the fall, Deb Fischer will face Greenwich Village resident, true American hero and former U.S. Senator, Democrat Bob Kerrey. Kerrey was dragged out of New York into this race when Democrat Senator Ben Nelson decided to retire and no viable Democrat candidate could not be found to replace him.

Sarah Palin is a force to be reckoned with. When she decides to become involved, she makes a difference. Keep it up Sarah, we need you.

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