At this event Obama opined that state governments have a role in the allocation of wages and jobs. Cool. I didn't know that. So those who have accused him of giving too much power to the federal government might need to adjust their thinking to a sharing of that responsibility between state and federal control of our lives. I feel much better knowing this little factoid.
Maybe this is what Obama means when he talks about community organizing. He gets to organize our communities. Which I must admit, is a phrase I had never before Barack Obama began his run to the Presidency.
Must be a Chicago thing. Can you get a degree in that field? This field of study must be where Obama learned to rewrite the history of contract law to wipe out bond holders at the whim of a President trying to protect labor unions. Property rights/smoperty rights who really believed in that hogwash anyway. Bondholders are devils.
So the next time you hear someone accuse the President of being a Socialist, just remember he speaks at their meetings, supports their goals and is supported by their leaders, but he is really just a redistributionalist, not a Socialist.
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